Registration & Lodgement
We provide an inspection and consultancy service to ensure you meet your legislative responsibilities. We will provide you with a 'certificate of compliance' or a detailed report explaining what requirements you must make to obtain compliance. We can also assist you with the council registration process.

From 1st November 2020 Pool owners must register their pool or spa with their local council (via their website or in person). Councils make an assessment of the 'applicable barrier standard' of the Pool or Spa. Council then provide owners with written confirmation regarding their assessment.
This information is then provided to the pool inspector so they can complete the safety inspection.
BBC Inspections attend the Owners home and using the relevant Council information to complete a formal barrier inspection. This process involves checking your existing pool safety barriers against the relevant Australian Standards. If the standards are met you will be issued with a Certificate of Barrier Compliance.
If the standards are not met Owners are provided with a detailed report that lists all the relevant information to bring the barrier up to compliance.
Lodgement of Certificate
Once the inspection is completed the Owner must lodge the Certificate of Barrier Compliance with their Council. This completes the Owner's legal obligations. Owners are required to obtain a new Certificate every 4 years.
The State Government has placed the regulatory responsibility for pool and spa registrations on local Councils. As a result Council now charge administration fees for registering your pool/spa and for lodging your 'Certificate of Compliance' to cover their costs.
Fees vary between Councils but 'Registration fees' are approximately $79 per Safety Barrier. This is paid directly to Council not us.